5 lessons from Twitter for journalists in training

Twitter is a great social media tool for journalists. But the fact is that the vast majority of people do not use Twitter to inform. The good news? Twitter teaches valuable lessons that apply to journalism as a whole. Here are five general lessons you can learn from their habits of micro-messages. 1. How to win people's attention: as a journalist, you will want to draw the audience into his story. This does not necessarily mean being sensationalist - even if you're writing a serious article and rational will want to announce it with a good title or subtitle. For example tweet from @ HuffingtonPost about the accident with miners in Chile (Shhhh! Chilean miners do not disclose ordeal details) seeks seek audience without resorting to sensationalism. 2. How to search informations: Twitter does a great job encouraging people to follow many other wish. The site openly shows how many people you follow and how many people are followed by him. There are built-in tools that encourage even more people to follow. Twitter allows the journalist infinitely multiply its sources mixing them into the timeline. This helps to not rely too heavily on one source. Naturally, responsible journalism requires reputable sources, but Twitter journalist teaches the value of clicking to find out more ... learns quickly that the greatest treasures are often in deeper layers. 3. How to cite information:simple and easy. Twitter encourages journalists to cite their sources, encouraging the use of the @ symbol and the abbreviation RT in messages. On Twitter, there's no shame in waving to others in their tweets. As far as the journalist want unpublished news is always bad idea to get hold of the creation of others, claiming to be her. 4.How to embed multimedia: Twitter introduces the journalist in the world of multimedia. Especially with the new Twitter, you can see photos, videos and audio clips can enrich an article or message. 5. How to be aggressive: the work as a reporter quickly teaches the need to impose to obtain the information you need.Sometimes, you have to go to places not belong, but if there is a fact or a source that will help you with your story, you have to be aggressive. Some may still argue that Twitter allows you to hide behind the wall of the internet, but the site actually encourages engage in conversations with strangers. Reply to someone who does not know or retweet with a source which has no connection, encourages the habit of engaging in conversations and go outside.

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